Dan Akhirnya acaranya tahunan Bali Fashion Trend di Ts Suites Bali yang ketiga ini pun selesai, dengan mengusung tema Spring Summer 2018 acara ini sedikit berbeda dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya, lebih meriah kalo menurut gue.
Kebanggan tersendiri sih bisa datang dan nonton langsung acara megah ini. sebagai Fashion blogger atau lifestyle blogger yang hidup dan sudah menetap di pulau Bali ini kalo ga datang ke acara ini ya rugi banget sih gue nya.
Kali ini gue cuma bisa datang di Hari ke-2 aja, walaupun begitu ga masalah yang penting masih bisa merasakan euphoria dari acara Bali fashion Trend. Dan di kesempetan gue kali ini gue ditemenin temen gue Mayliza Anjelica yang udah nyempatin waktunya buat nemenin gue alias biar ga sendirian banget, lol.
Sepanjang acara asli gue terkesan sama kemajuan dari Fashion Industry di Indonesia dan khususnya di Bali, asli kece-kece parah dan gue ga bisa ngomong apa-apa, keren! Dan beberapa penampilan designer yang paling gue suka ada Weda Githa, Ali Charisma, Dwi Iskandar, By The Sea, Putu Aliki, Gingersnap Bali.
And the third annual fashion event Bali Fashion Trend Spring Summer 2018 with Ts Suites Bali as their partner was finally finished. For me this year was a bit different than last year, more lively.
I'm so proud that i can attend to this magnificent event in the island. As a Fashion Blogger or Lifestyle Blogger who lives in Bali i must come and watch live this event or if i couldn't make it i would probably feel sad.
Anyway, i only went on the second day but it's still fine because i still could feel the euphoria of Bali Fashion Trend this year. I was with my friend Mayliza Anjelica who was willing to accompany me)to watch it, thanks to her.
During the event, i was impressed with the fashion industry in Indonesia especially in Bali, totally amazing! Some of the shows that stole my attention is from Weda Githa, Ali Charisma, Dwi Iskandar, By The Sea, Putu Aliki, Gingersnap Bali. They were totally amazing for once again! bravo!

Bersamaan dengan diadakannya acara Bali Fashion Trend kemarin adalah juga merupakan grand opening dari Tstore yang berlokasi di Ts Suites Bali. Nah, di Tstore ini layaknya seperti concept shopping store lainnya, tapi bedanya barang yang dipasarkan disini adalah hasil-hasil dari para designer-designer indonesia, menarik sih! kurang lebih akan ada 100 designer yang akan memasarkan hasil rancangannya di Tstore ini.
Along with the event Bali Fashion Trend is also a grand opening of Tstore located at Ts Suites Bali. Well, in Tstore is just the same like any other concept shopping store but the difference is the goods marketed here are from designers in Indonesia, Interesting anyway! More or less there will be 100 designers who will market their clothing design in Tstore.
Dan ini outfit gue
And here was my Outfit
uwuwuwu pengen kesanaaa, hopefully someday jg bs ikut
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harusss datang tahun depan yaaaa :)