Halo semua, apa kabarnya? semoga tetap dalam keadaan sehat ya! Oke, aku mau cerita sedikit, jadi waktu itu sempat pantengin Ecommerce lokal niatnya mau cari produk grooming baru, mungkin buat upgrade perskincare aku, eh abis liat-liat nyantol di salah satu produk lokal kebanggaan Indonesia Wardah, jadi nih sebagai produsenya Wardah ngeluarin produk men's grooming yang dibuat khusus untuk cowok, Kahf namanaya. Kahf sendiri punya banyak produk pilihan, mulai dari Body Wash, Face Wash, Parfum, Beard Care, sampe deoderant lengkap banget deh.
Nah, sebagai pemilik kulit kombinasi aku tuh agak takut kalo mau beli online di ecommerce gitu, apalagi untuk produk skincare karena belum tau cocok ke kulit aku atau engga. Setelah agak lama berpikir, jadi suatu hari akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk beli produk grooming dari Kahf ini, beberapa yang aku order ada Body Wash, Face Wash dan dua macam parfum untuk tambahan koleksi aku. Nanti detailnya dan foto produk Kahf ada di bawah ya guys!
Hello everyone, how is it going? hope everything is alright! Well, I wanna talk a bit, recently, I've been doing a search on some local eCommerce platform for my new grooming product for me just to upgrade the product i used, after doing my searching, there is actually one label that took my attention so much, it comes from the popular label Wardah. As a maker, wardah has been released its men's grooming product specially for men called Kahf. This label is actually getting bigger on the social platforms and Kahf has many product items, such as Body Wash, Face Wash, Parfums, Beard Care to Deodorant.
So, me as the owner of the combination skin, i'm a bit picky about my grooming product and a bit afraid to buy my products online. And after long thinking, then i decided to buy these grooming products from Kahf. There are some items i bought, including Body Wash, Face Wash and two different perfumes. For the product's details from Kahf and its photos, i'm uploading them below, make sure you see it guys!
Produk pertama, aku beli Relaxing Hair & Body Wash. yeap sesuai namanya jadi nih 2 in 1 produk gitu bisa di pake untuk body wash dan pengganti shampoo. Selama sebulanan coba produk ini, yang paling berkesan dari produk satu ini wanginya, asli sih seger gitu wanginya bikin mood jadi bagus kalo abis mandi. Untuk detail produknya bisa deh samperin link ini Kahf Relaxing Hair & Body Wash.
The first item, i bought myself a Relaxing Hair & Body Wash. Yeap, according to its name, this product is a 2 in 1 product that can be used as body wash and shampoo. After a month of using this product, the most thing that caught in my mind is its fragrance, which completely makes me feel relaxing and good mood after using this product. Anyway, you guys can read the detail of the product here Kahf Relaxing Hair & Body Wash.

Produk kedua yang aku beli dari produk grooming Kahf adalah Oil & Acne Care Face Wash nya. Jadi tuh kulit aku kombinasi berminyak dan gampang jerawatan jadi ini produk Kahf yang pas buat aku beli. Setelah pakai ini, wajah aku kerasa lebih bersih, seger dan yang pasti ga bikin kulit kering. detailnya bisa deh coba cek ke link ini Kahf Oil & Acne Care Face Wash.
The second item i bought from Kahf was Oil & Acne Care Face Wash. As i mentioned before, my skin is a combination of both oiling and easy to get acne and i think this product from Kahf is perfectly matched for my face skin. I feel my face fresh, clean and it does not make my skin dry. Details of the product you guys can check here Kahf Oil & Acne Care Face Wash.
Produk ketiga yang aku beli dan paling juara sih menurut aku dan suka banget. aku beli dua macam Eau de Toilette Parfumnya Kahf, Humbling Forest dan Revered Oud. Humbling forest ini wanginya lebih soft menurut aku dan agak ke alam dan kalau Revered Oud ini vanilla kerasa banget jadi manis wanginya, btw yang paling bikin aku surprise walaupun ini Parfum Eau de Toilette tapi tahan banget dan nempel lama kalo di pake. Nah detail persisnya masing produknya ke link ini ya guys, Kahf Humbling Forest Eau de Toilette dan Kahf Revered Oud Eau de Toilette.
Btw, untuk rangkaian produk ini bisa kalian beli langsung di website Kahf langsung sekalian biar tau detail masing-masing produk dan juga bisa di official store mereka di ecommerce lokal Tokopedia, Shopee, Blibli, atau Lazada. Yah, jadi gitu deh review singkat dari aku, sampai ketemu di postingan selanjutnya ya, always be safe and healthy!
#Kahfeveryday #BanggaBuatanIndonesia #LocalPride
Last but not least, the product i bought and feel satisfied with these two products of Eau de Toilette Perfumes from Kahf, Humbling Forest and Revered Oud. Humbling Forest, the smell of this little thing is soft and make me feel imagine a real forest and for Revered Oud the smell of Vanilla is sweet and i love them both. Anyway, what makes me feel surprised by these perfumes is the long-lasting smell. Please mind read these links for the details of these products, Kahf Humbling Forest Eau de Toilette and Kahf Revered Oud Eau de Toilette.
Anyway, for all these grooming products, you guys can buy them online through their website Kahf together with the details of each product and you can find them on Kahf offcial store online on Tokopedia, Shopee, Blibli, or Lazada. That's all for my short review for these all products from Kahf and see you guys again on my next post, always be safe and healthy!
#Kahfeveryday #BanggaBuatanIndonesia #LocalPride
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