Minggu kemarin aku pergi ke salah satu Storenya UNIQLO di Mal Taman Anggrek Jakarta, itu pertama kalinya aku kesini. Aku ga sempat datang ke acar Grand Openingnya karena aku Tinggal jauh dari Jakarta dan juga ga sempat untuk datang. Sebenarnya ini adalah liputan diam-diam aku, ambil fotonya juga ngumpet-ngumpet. Takut aja kalo ketauan sama penjaganya, hahaha. Well, kita liat apa yang bisa kita cari di store ini. Kalo kalian kesini, pertama kali bakalan ngeliat display yang bagus banget, simpe tapi keliatan bagus. terus, begitu masuk kedalam storenya kalian juga bakalan terkesima dengan interior storenya, simpel tapi enak aja diliatnya, yang ada di otakku waktu it "Aku hidup dimana ini?" hahaha.
Last week i was visiting the one of UNIQLO Store in Indonesia at Mal Taman Anggrek Jakarta, that was my first time to come to this store. I'm not coming to the grand opening because i lives away from Jakarta and i have no time to come. Actually it was a secretly reporting, taking some pictures secretly. I was afraid of getting caught by the guards, hahaha. Well, let me to tell you what you can find in this amazing store. When you come to this store you'll be amazed by the display, it's nice such beautiful thing. Then, when we entering the store, you'll be amazed again by the interior of the store, it's looks simple but again it's amazing! i don't exactly what i feel when i'm stepping entering the store, like "am i still living on the earth?" i don't think so.

Setelah masuk ke storenya kita bisa ngeliat begitu banyaknya koleksi, begitu banyaknya barang yang bisa kita cari disini, Ada Celana, baju, celana dalam, banyaklah. Kita bisa nyari apa yang lagi kita cari. Rasanya itu waktu disini kayak mau belik semua barang yang ada, tapi sayangnya ga bakaln mungkin bisa. Walaupun gitu aku dapet dua benda, Celana sama kemeja lengan panjang. Terus aku langsung nyoba aja ke kamar pas. Di dalam kamar pas aku nemu sesuatu di dinding, kayak papan "Biaya Potong Celana". ternyata di UNIQLO kita bisa langsung minta dipotongin celana kita kalo aja kebesaran. Nice service!
After entering the store we can see how many collection, how many things you can find here. that's a lot of shirts, pants, underwear, and many more. Just looking around what you wanna looking for. I felt like i wanna buy all the things in there, but that's impossible. Well, i got two things, pants and long sleeve shirt. i'm going to the fitting room to fit in with my body. I found something in the fitting room, that's is something "Pants cut costs" in the wall. In UNIQLO we can could ask for the cut pants. Very nice service!

Selesai nyoba baju sama celana tadi, aku pergi ke daerah sepatu. Yang aku dapatkan disana adalah sepatu-sepatu yang lagi diskon, bikin ngiler ga tuh pengen beli semuanya! saat itu juga aku harus ngelawan nafsu belanjaku. Untuk info aja ya, sepatu-sepatunya murah parah. Oke, aku langsung aja menuju kasir untuk bayar. Aku bayarnya pake debit dan pada saat di kasir kita akan disapa sama kasir-kasir friendly "Selamat datang di UNIQLO!" ahhh, so sweet! pengalaman banget bisa belnja disini. Terus aku langsung keluar store aja deh daripada ngiler...
After fitting the clothes that i wanna buy, i went to shoes area. What i found there? it's a big sale, oh my god, it's tempting me to buy all things in this store. oh man!! I tried to fight my shopping lust. For Your Information, the shoes is so cheap. Oke, let's go to the cashier. in the Cashier are you'll meet with the friendly cashier, the would greet you "Welcome to UNIQLO!" what a friendly ambiance. there i paid with a debit. The i went to out the store...
Itulah pengalamanku ke store UNIQLO, amazing. ga sabar untuk pake ini di postingan look aku selanjutnya. wait for it guys.....
That was my experience when i'm visiting this beautiful, amazing store. I couldn't wait to use the clothes that I have bought in the next post look. wait for it guys....
The shoes is very cheap! >.<