Hi fellas, apa kabar? aku baik. Liburan kemarin, waktu liburan semester aku ke Jakarta, aku juga pergi ke Museum Nasional Indonesia bareng sama Tiwi, Adi, Yesaya, Dee. Maaf karena lama banget ngepost ini ke blog, karena aku lupa dan baru dapet filenya setelah ngecek-ngecek di notebook, jadi kenapa engga aku post aja mumpung juga lagi ga punya bahan buat di posting.
Hi fellas, how you doing? i'm doing great like usual. When i went to Jakarta for my semester vacancies, i went to National Museum of Indonesia with my friends Tiwi, Dee, Yesaya, and Adi. Sorry for not post this trip soon as i can, because i forget about this thing. I found these photos on my notebook, so why i can't post it on my next blog post and also I've no thing to post.

Kesini ini cuma bentar banget sebenarnya. Tapi gapapa, yang penting akhirnya aku kesini yang dulu-dulu belum pernah kesini. Padahal setiap hari kalo pergi keluar naik TransJakarta aku selalu ngelewatin museum ini. Yaudlah ya, aku ceritain dikit ngapain aja waktu di dalam museum. Masuk dari lobby di gedung lama museum di sebelah timur kalo gak salah. Di lantai satu, kita bakal ngeliat koleksi bekas jaman purbakala dulu, naik ke lantai dua sama tiga kita bakal ngeliat koleksi dari jaman dulu banget, ada dari jaman penjajahan sama hal-hal yang sangat tradisional, terus naik ke lantai empat kita bakal ngeliat benda-benda mewah indonesia pokoknya dari emas sama perak semua. Maaf banget aku gak bisa ceritain secara detail banget, yang penting aku udah kasih gambaran besar dari perjalanan singkat ini haha.
This is actually a short trip to visit a museum, the biggest museum in Indonesia i guess. But well, it's fine, because finally I've ever visited this place. Besides, when i'm going out by TransJakarta i'm always passing this place. So, let me tell you guys what i did inside this big building. Entering from the lobby in the old building in the east side. first floor you'll see the antiquity things, up to the second and third floor you'll see the indonesian traditional things and also the colonial era's things, up to the fourth floor you'll see the glamour things of Indonesian history it was a gold, silver things. I can't tell you guys in the detail way, but i tell you in the generally way.

Aku tipe orang yang suka ngu ngunjungi tempat yang sepi damai, terus juga tempat-tempat bersejarah, itu kenapa aku kesini. Oke, gak sia-sia dong kesini dapet ilmu juga nambah-nambah kepintaran. by the way, harga tiket masuk kesini itu murah banget, cuma Rp. 5000 kita udah bisa keliling sepuasa kita mau selama apapun.
Alamat: Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No.12, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia +62 21 3868172, www.museumnasional.or.id
I'm the one who love to visiting the peaceful full place, historical things, that's why i went here. Okay, i got some new knowledge. it wasn't a wasting time trip, i was happy. Oh by the way, FYI the ticket price is about 5000 rupiahs, it's really cheap huh? Interesting? Call me, i might be your guide haha.
Adresse: Jl. Medan Merdeka Barat No.12, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat 10110, Indonesia +62 21 3868172, www.museumnasional.or.id
What beautiful architecture! It looks like you've seen a lot of interesting stuff!